
Racing Association

is the sanctioning body for VW 1/4 mile drag racing in the Western United States. The PRA races under NHRA rules and regulations at NHRA sanctioned tracks. All PRA cars are NHRA certified and tech inspected. The PRA races at NHRA tracks in Phoenix, Sacramento, Denver, Las Vegas, and more.

Ocean Street Video follows the PRA and brings you all the highlights, race by race and year by year. Drivers in four classes push the Volkswagen beetle body far faster than it was ever designed to go. There are dozens of smokey burnouts, hard launches and close finishes to keep you glued to your seat.

Each PRA video is fully narrated and edited on a non-linear system with 8 tracks of digital audio. There are over 500 edit points and background music. The finished product is then mastered to Betacam SP or digital tape for 80-90 minutes worth of ground-pounding excitement. This is hard-core drag racing action you won't want to miss! Future developments include releasing the entire PRA series on DVD.

In addition to this PRA series, take a look at the large selection of Volkswagen street car videotapes listed below. The new VW Speed Scene DVD series covers both PRA drag racing and street car racing action.

Be sure and check out the download section of our website for free video clips!

VW Speed Scene videotape VW Speed Scene videotape VW Drag Racing in VW Speed Scene #2 videotape VW Drag Racing in VW Speed Scene #2 DVD VW Drag Racing in the Carlsbad DVD
Der Renn Kafer Cup Street Car Racing! Racer Profile VW Dyno Testing VW Street Car Racing VW Street Car Racing
PRA '94 tape PRA '95 tape PRA '96 tape PRA '97 tape PRA '98 tape PRA '99 tape PRA '00 tape

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