I recently did alot of research on fire extingushiers and here' was I found from worst to best...
none... for obvious reasons
ABC ... the chemical used for the A rating is caustic and corrosive. It will actually bond to the hot alloy and
requires aloy of work to remove. The dry power will also danage seals and o-rings in the carb, FI and other
engine seals.
BC ... It is better than a ABC, but still the power is abrasive and damage seals
Halon 1211... This is a "clean agent", It leave NO residue and will NOT harm the car. I actually put out an
engine fire with Halon and after replacing the fuel line, drove the car home. The problem is that Halon has
been banned by the EPA due to it's effect on the ozone. It can still be found at some race supply shops. It is
VERY expensive.
Halotron I... This is the next generation of Halon. It has all the benefits and it DOES NOT harm the ozone and is
about half the price. This is what i have in my 74 Beetle. Here's where you can get info and find dealers.
Save your investment with the correct fire system. I got a 2.5lbs all steel bottle with brass head for $80.
Best regards,
ICQ: 58053636
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