fuel supply

Thursday, 29-Jun-2000 01:49:09

Message: writes:

What size fuel line would one run if you were running a tubo motor with a 45 webber carb. Pump is a holly blue with a holly regulator

tapped for boost pressure. Would a steel braided -6 be enough.



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I would run -8 from the tank to the regulator and then drop down to -6 to the carb(s). (n/t) (Mike "Sweet Pea" Preston DRG) (29-Jun-2000 02:42:15)

Ray, I agree with Sweet Pea on #8 then #6 to carb (n/t) (29-Jun-2000 07:42:57)

Re: thanks for the feed back ,that is a lot of steel braid -8 to run (n/t) (ray) (29-Jun-2000 12:31:40)

you might want to use hard tubing for most of it. Im using a 1/2" SS tubing down the tunnel. (n/t)

(Muffler Mike) (29-Jun-2000 17:52:23)

That much steel Braided line is a lot cheaper than what will happen if you DON'T do it (melted pistons and heads from leaning out) (n/t) (John Connolly) (29-Jun-2000 15:27:37)

i use #8 aluminum line through the tunnel. (n/t) (mike from ga) (29-Jun-2000 21:50:21)


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